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This is a preferred method of transgenesis as this is site directed and hence positional effects are minimized.

Site-Specific Excel - Injection of DNA into the embryos of PhiC31 integrase & selected attP docking site (click here and choose attP sites), crossing of G0 flies, screening the transformants and balancing the insertions.

Site-Specific BAC - This service includes injecting the BACs or fosmids (>30kb) into 500 embryos of strain (or a cross of) PhiC31-integrase and a docking site of the user’s choice and scoring the transformants, balancing and shipping.

Site-Specific CRISPR - This service includes injecting the plasmids with CRISPR/Cas9 guide RNA into 300 embryos of strain (or a cross of) PhiC31-integrase and a docking site of the user’s choice and scoring the transformants, balancing and shipping.

To avail the services, kindly register at and fill in the requisite form at

User guidelines can be found here ( )

The following fly stocks are used for the site directed transgenesis.